The Legacy Excellence Program
Thank you so much for your interest in the Legacy EXCELLENCE Program.
This program, if you’re admitted, will change you and your business beyond recognition.
This is personalised 1 on 1 coaching and totally about you and your business.
With Legacy Excellence:
1. You will have the ultimate game plan to build your business. At the beginning of your program, you will outline your key growth areas and we can strategise activity to match your goals.
2. You will have the highest level of constructive accountability. I will personally coach you – I will be there to hold you accountable and to answer questions— and help you overcome the inevitable hurdles that will crop up.
3. You will have access to other 7 & 8 figure earners. Success leaves clues — and I will be bringing in other millionaire friends and mentors to share the strategies that have helped them become successful.
4. You will be pushed & challenged — perhaps more than you ever have before. This program is not for you if you aren’t willing to put in serious work.
5. You will be unable to “fly under the radar” — we will insist you stay engaged and plugged in — so you can actually get the results we guarantee. My current Excellence students have seen some incredible results.
Here is what you receive:
- Personalised Coaching: 26 Personalised Zooms for coaching over 12 months
- Access to Recordings: Recording of coaching uploaded to your portal together with homework after every call
- Strategy call: Launch your program
- Bonus 2 x 6-week courses to help accelerate your progress
The success rate of our program is EXTREMELY high because of our attention to detail.
If you invest in this program you become a private student of Elsa Morgan and we absolutely refuse to allow you to play at a level that is anything less than phenomenal.
We’re going to be working closely together. I’m going to be your mentor, your guide, and your coach and my SOLE INTENTION is to call out the powerful business owner in you.
We ARE looking for:
- Female business owners who believe they should be wealthy, successful women — and who will use that money to make a positive impact.
- We are looking for down-to-earth business owners who aren’t afraid of hard work.
- We are looking for givers — women who are willing to share what’s working in their business so we can all grow.
- We are looking for women who help other businesses grow. (business coaches, strategists, launch experts, mindset coaches, copywriters, web-designers, social media experts, etc.). In some way, shape or form, you must help people grow their online businesses. We reserve the right to determine if this program will work for you.
We ARE NOT looking for: - Tire-kickers who aren’t committed to leaping in and saying, “yes!” — you must be willing to take a bet on yourself.
- Low-vibe complainers who will join and not implement anything and then ask for their money back. You must be all in for your success.
- People who believe there is a “secret” to success. There’s no secret. It’s just a lot of proven business strategies, implemented well.
We wanted to keep it fair for everyone (since we know demand will be insanely high).
So we decided to do things a little differently and created an application process so you can apply to join this program.
This is high-level. High-level investment. High-level commitment. High-level results. High-level money.
If you are accepted, You will be a powerful business owner — running a business that is flourishing beyond anything you could have imagined.
From the entire team here at Team Elsa, we want to say “Good luck!”.
We are on the other side…getting ready to help you change your life.